Declaring Models
Declaring gorm model
Declaring rapier model
Supported field:
- bool:
- []byte:
- float:
- integer:
- unsigned integer:
- string:
- time.Time:
- any:
- raw filed:
How to define model
model defined for test testdata.
if we have a gorm model follow:
// Dict 字典
type Dict struct {
Id int64 `gorm:"column:id;autoIncrement:true;not null;primaryKey" json:"id,omitempty"`
Key string `gorm:"column:key;type:varchar(64);not null;default:'';uniqueIndex:uk_key" json:"key,omitempty"`
Name string `gorm:"column:name;type:varchar(64);not null;default:''" json:"name,omitempty"`
IsPin bool `gorm:"column:is_pin;type:tinyint(1);not null;default:0" json:"is_pin,omitempty"`
Remark string `gorm:"column:remark;type:varchar(128);not null;default:''" json:"remark,omitempty"`
CreatedAt time.Time `gorm:"column:created_at;type:datetime;not null" json:"created_at,omitempty"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `gorm:"column:updated_at;type:datetime;not null" json:"updated_at,omitempty"`
// TableName implement schema.Tabler interface
func (*Dict) TableName() string {
return "dict"
then we can define rapier model:
var ref_Dict_Native = New_Dict("dict")
type Dict_Native struct {
refAlias string
refTableName string
ALL rapier.Asterisk
Id rapier.Int64
Key rapier.String
Name rapier.String
IsPin rapier.Bool
Remark rapier.String
CreatedAt rapier.Time
UpdatedAt rapier.Time
func new_Dict(tableName, alias string) *Dict_Native {
return &Dict_Native{
refAlias: alias,
refTableName: tableName,
ALL: rapier.NewAsterisk(alias),
Id: rapier.NewInt64(alias, "id"),
Key: rapier.NewString(alias, "key"),
Name: rapier.NewString(alias, "name"),
IsPin: rapier.NewBool(alias, "is_pin"),
Remark: rapier.NewString(alias, "remark"),
CreatedAt: rapier.NewTime(alias, "created_at"),
UpdatedAt: rapier.NewTime(alias, "updated_at"),
// Ref_Dict model with TableName `dict`.
func Ref_Dict() *Dict_Native { return ref_Dict_Native }
// New_Dict new instance.
func New_Dict(tableName string) *Dict_Native {
return new_Dict(tableName, tableName)
// As alias
func (x *Dict_Native) As(alias string) *Dict_Native {
return new_Dict(x.refTableName, alias)
// Alias hold alias name when call Dict_Active.As that you defined.
func (x *Dict_Native) Alias() string { return x.refAlias }
// TableName hold table name when call New_Dict that you defined.
func (x *Dict_Native) TableName() string { return x.refTableName }